Last week-end my friend Carol with her Cavalier "Diamond", and me with both Clouseau and Beringer drove the 4 plus hour drive to Maple Ridge BC Canada to be in the Oceanside Kennel Club CKC dog show. We took off early on Friday morning for ring time of 1:30 PM and since I wanted to follow the GPS directions, we went way out of our way to get there and almost didn't make the ring time! Beringer (Sugar Bay's Beringer) won 4 points (need 10) toward his CKC Championship and as a puppy, nicely done.
Clouseau (Sugar Bay's Anything Goes Clouseau) blew me away by winning Group 2 twice in the Toy Group when there were 13 different Toy breeds in the ring. This is my favorite picture of the two. He will be a new daddy soon. He was bred to my friend Annika's female, Mapixie FiFi Rayon de Soleil. Check her website for puppy delivery updates by googling Mapixie Cotons. They are due April 13th.
We had a great time with all the Canadian Coton folks! I'll keep you posted on the next show in Canada coming up in two weeks.